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Data Management and Access


Data management is the cornerstone of data-driven decision making. Ensuring your data is curated and optimized for use within your agency, by your constituents, and throughout state government is a key to providing services efficiently and effectively, and planning for change.

UGRC has been creating, accumulating, aggregating, transforming, and hosting data since its inception, so we know a thing or two about data curation and management. No matter where you are in the data life cycle, get in touch to explore how we can help you “spatialize” and manage your data better.

a person taking notes from another person explaining charts on a whiteboard

Build the foundation

Even if your data are not natively “spatial”, or you don’t even know what the word means, UGRC can help to broaden the scope of usefulness of your data by incorporating a locational component. Whether it’s geocoding a list of addresses to find their actual location; aggregating and joining data to an existing boundary or location; or adding spatial attributes from geographic data sets of interest to your business processes, we can help you uncover novel insights by spatially-enabling and enriching your data.

two people working together assembling blocks to build something awesome

Make it accessible and current

Government runs better with a shared vision and shared data available to all for decision making. Good data is timely, accurate and, most importantly, used. Getting your data into the hands of the people that need it on time and in the right format is important, and may require the ability to maintain data in multiple locations for different purposes. Additionally, understanding the uses of your data critically influences the update cycle to keep it current and reliable. Our long history of data wrangling has taught us a lot about data accessibility and currency that we can pass along and enable for your team, program, or agency.

A person shopping for data in a store with a couple of bags of data in hand

Tools can help

Automating the processes that keep your data useful and available can be a critical time saver. We do that too. UGRC has many scripts and processes that can help you expose your data for use by others. We’ve created tools with a goal of having them be useful beyond our office. In addition to hosting most of our code on GitHub, we have other tools to solve data extraction, transformation, and loading scenarios. Try something off our shelf, or use it as a starting point for your own custom solution.

A person standing next to some gears with a progress bar

Participate in the SGID

Once your data sets are built, accessible, and current, consider contributing them to the State Geographic Information Datasource (SGID) for maximal exposure and usage. The purpose of the SGID is to make the most relevant and authoritative Utah spatial data available to the greatest audience possible. In some cases, UGRC will host data for you, yet the preference is to enable agencies to be informed and responsible data stewards so we can highlight your curated services, particularly through your ArcGIS Enterprise Portal, or ArcGIS Online. We can then share your data directly with other users of our own ArcGIS Hub website to make your work easier for other data consumers to find.

A group of people high-fiving each other in celebration of a job well done