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UGRC products


The SGID aims to be the primary source for authoritative state-wide GIS data in Utah by creating a single portal to datasets created by many different agencies and organizations. With such a broad scope, SGID datasets live in many different places depending on their type, availability, and popularity.

the SGID logo


Discover is a cloud-based web service serving aerial imagery and base maps. These services are available in both WMTS and WMS formats from the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) for broad compatibility and are provided in the Web Mercator WGS84 projection (wkid/EPSG 3857).

Discover offers over 20 services that are free to use (however, a few require a signed license agreement).

the discover logo


The Utah Reference Network (TURN) is a high-precision global navigation satellite system (GNSS) Continuously Operating Reference System (CORS) providing real-time corrections and data for post processing. Our network consists of permanently located GPS receivers installed across Utah and portions of Idaho, Wyoming, and southern Nevada that generate real-time, high-accuracy GPS positioning. These receivers send their data via the Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol (NTRIP) to a central system that analyzes the input to adjust and correct the data to provide the most accurate locations, usually down to centimeter level. Our network uses the Trimble Pivot VRS Platform.

the TURN GPS logo


The UGRC API is a free web service that allows you to geocode Utah addresses and search authoritative Utah data in the SGID with HTTP requests.

the UGRC API logo