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Developer solutions


Explore the variety of tools and resources that we offer to integrate geospatial tech, craft custom apps, and access valuable data. Whether you're a casual developer tinkering with configurable apps, an experienced developer, or a data scientist, we've got something for your current or next app project!

a person with a prototype on an easel and the app partially built on a phone

Spatially enable it

The gateway to the spatial world often begins with an address. Let us enable you to geocode your address data without restriction. Once you have spatial data, the possibilities become limitless. The UGRC API is the foundation for offering this service, enabling geocoding and reverse geocoding of addresses and route and mileposts. It's a self-service API, allowing you to begin immediately. If you can write code to make an HTTP request you are on your way! Or you can interact with the API through our tailored desktop app, the UGRC API Client, or within the ArcGIS platform with Masquerade. Front-end developers can seamlessly integrate prebuilt UI to interact with the UGRC API into their apps using our React components. Even if we haven't built the specific component you require, our expertise extends to creating custom solutions across many platforms, including popular front-end libraries like React and Angular, as well as platform as a service (PaaS) implementations like Salesforce. Let us navigate the intricacies of geospatial integration, so you can focus on building the core functionalities of your app.

a rocket ship launching off a screen

Show it off

Once you have spatial data, you need a clean canvas to put it on. Our Discover base map and imagery web services provide access to both aerial imagery and our collection of base maps that you can use in web maps. Enjoy the locally sourced authoritative data carefully styled by our cartographers without the restrictions and cost of other base map providers. Our WMTS compliant base maps are designed to be used in a variety of applications and are available in a variety of formats including vector and raster tiles.

two people holding a map

Enrich it

The SGID on ArcGIS and the UGRC API provide access to our entire collection of data that can be accessed via HTTP and used to enrich your data and applications. These SGID data are a one stop shop for data such as house, senate, and congressional districts, city and county boundaries, school districts, census blocks, and much more. The feature services in the SGID on ArcGIS and the UGRC API offer search and query endpoints that return JSON. For example, you can use the coordinates of a geocoded address to find the legislative districts that it falls within. Or if a parcel of land is in a floodplain. Or how many people live within a certain distance of a proposed development. The possibilities are endless.

a person with a box labeled v2 that is upgrading their application

Automate it

Do you have data in a system that you want to use in a mapping application but it isn't natively spatial, publicly accessible, or can't efficiently be drawn on a map? We have a variety of tools and resources to help you automate the process of getting your data into a spatial format and into a web map. Whether it is data in Salesforce, a database, or a spreadsheet, we can help you get it into a spatial format and into a web map. The extract, transform, load (ETL) process is a common way to automate the process of getting data into a spatial format. We have a couple of tools built to ETL your data. Contact us to find out which product is right for you.

a robot automating a task