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SGID base maps category

Utah Hybrid Base Map

Last update · Feb 2024

Category: Base maps Data Type: Imagery web service Steward: UGRC

A combination of the general reference base map features and our latest high-resolution imagery as a raster base map. Only roads, municipalities, and county boundaries have a line or outline symbology, all other features like lakes, rivers, land ownership, parks etc are identified with labels. The imagery is the highlight of this base map, all other features are there to show general context.

A screenshot of the lite base map showing the muted colors and roads.

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A closer look

Each cache consists of around 3 to 17 million 256-pixel square tiles ranging from 15G to over 200GB.

These raster tiles are pre-rendered at the common zoom scales , opens in a new tab . with a Web Mercator WGS84 projection (wkid/EPSG 3857).

Update history
  • Feb 2024

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