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What we offer surveyors


Whether you're using traditional surveying techniques or pioneering the latest technological advancements, UGRC offers comprehensive access to data, documentation, and support to empower you to enhance the precision and productivity of your work, and contribute your hard-earned, accurate data to important statewide data sets.

a satellite in orbit around the earth with a GPS signal coming from it

Elevate your accuracy

The Utah Reference Network (TURN) is our real-time GPS network that allows you to effortlessly unlock centimeter-level accuracy with an economical subscription service. Widely utilized across various industries including land surveying, engineering, construction, GIS feature collection, drone piloting, and high-precision agriculture, TURN GPS offers unparalleled accuracy anywhere, anytime across Utah, and into several surrounding states.

Two people holding an arrow pointing at the bullseye of a dartboard.

One stop for PLSS

Once you’ve conducted your high-precision surveys with TURN GPS, contribute your results to help us maintain the integrity and increase the accuracy of the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) and land management practices throughout Utah. Our intuitive PLSS web application offers a section corner map viewer with monument record sheet download, and effortless compliance to state code by enabling you to upload your existing monument sheets, or quickly enter data, to create new monument records and automatically submit them to county surveyors for review.

A person reading a map with a map marker in the background.

Monument restoration funding

Led by UGRC’s State Surveyor, the Monument Replacement and Restoration Committee (MRRC) coordinates efforts to identify, replace, and restore survey monuments, which serve as the cornerstone for accurate land surveys. The MRRC administers an annual grant program aimed at assisting counties with their inventory of monuments by providing funds for the location and replacement of these historical markers; thereby ensuring the continued accuracy and reliability of property boundaries for surveyors and landowners alike. Contact us with questions about how to participate in this program.

Two people exchanging money for an idea light bulb.

Simplify municipal annexations

UGRC supports the Lieutenant Governor's office with municipal and political boundary annexations, disconnections, and adjustments. If you plan to submit one of these to the Lieutenant Governor's office, please feel free to get in touch with us about the requirements and expectations of your submission to make the process clearer and smoother for you, and us!

Two people shaking hands in agreement under two connected puzzle pieces.

Help with survey control

UGRC offers assistance to surveyors involved in special control projects by leveraging our network of national-level expertise to provide invaluable recommendations and support. By serving as Utah’s State NGS Coordinator for the National Geodetic Survey (NGS), UGRC’s State Surveyor is committed to upholding and ensuring accessibility to the national spatial reference frame (NSRF), and empowering surveyors with accurate and reliable geodetic data for their endeavors. Get in touch if you need survey control assistance.

A group of people pulling on a rope together as a team.