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What we offer government employees


Solutions for government agencies

UGRC uses a cost recovery model to contract with State of Utah agencies to provide high quality, innovative, and cost effective GIS, mapping, and data-related solutions and services.

Drawing on extensive experience in the geospatial field, we've encountered diverse challenges and accomplishments. Whether our partnership with you is large or small, reaching out to us early in your process often ensures optimal returns on investment and a smoother path to success.

Below are the common areas where we collaborate with other government agencies, yet we excel at everything “spatial”. Contact us today to start a conversation about how GIS and geospatial data can meet your agency's goals and business objectives, and how UGRC can help.

Plan with us

UGRC can help government agencies develop strategies and plans for implementing robust and effective GIS solutions to meet agency goals and their audience or constituents' needs. From troubleshooting and best practices to data-driven decision making, our extensive experience and expertise can be leveraged to guide a plan of action for a wide range of geospatial and mapping tasks and objectives. We are available to our government agency partners for ad hoc questions and ideation without any contractual obligations, yet more extensive consultation needs that require ample UGRC staff time and effort are considered a cost recovery service. Involve us early in your planning and let us know about your project so we can provide recommendations and help you consider the best possible options.

two people shaking hands in agreement

Make data accessible

Making data accessible and usable is our forte. Since its inception, UGRC has been tasked with creating, aggregating, curating, promoting, and integrating authoritative Utah spatial data into important systems such as 911, elections, taxation, and many other services. If you need authoritative data, look to us first. If you are seeking to make your agency-specific data accessible for spatial analysis, mapping, and visualization, we can also help. Our geocoding services can transform your addresses into mappable point locations. And we have processes available to automate the extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) of data from a multitude of sources including sheets, databases, and SaaS products into mappable, analyzable data layers. We even have professional cartographers to create and print masterful hard copy maps of your data layers of interest for display, discussion, planning, and other purposes.

a person breaking down a wall

Let us build

Once your data is accessible, take it to the next level by integrating it into your agency’s important business processes, making it visible and tangible in an interactive web mapping experience, or almost anything else you can imagine. UGRC works in both the low code/no code and traditional development spaces to build custom tools, processes, and applications for state government agencies to unlock the power of location. We can work with you to integrate spatial data and GIS functionality to complement existing workflows; improve and streamline business processes from beginning to end; or imagine new processes and pathways to achieve your goals. If you have access to, or are, an application developer, check out our offerings that are free and easy to use.

a person standing in front of a monitor holding a wrench with a crane in the background

Investigate your data

Government agencies collect massive amounts of data. Perhaps your data needs a boost, or to be viewed in a totally different perspective. UGRC uses creative and innovative data science methods and technology to reveal hidden connections within your data, enabling smarter, data-driven decisions. Allow us to help you analyze, summarize, transform, and enrich your data with meaningful location information to illuminate new priorities and solutions, answer questions, and optimize resources.

beakers and a microscope